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You believe this project is full of potential and would like to help us get started?  You understand that our goal is not to build up a business, but to be people oriented.  We are a non-profit organization.  We need finances to create a soothing, light and comfortable atmosphere, to buy the various machines (espresso, blenders), furniture, etc.


Below are various crowdfunding-type options. Depending on the amount you are willing to offer us we will welcome you with open arms and a specific gift.


You can make your donation directly on our bank account (BE08 7360 3417 7713).  Please also send us an email so we can communicate the official opening date of Expressé!

Option 1: 10€

Special coffee or tea tasting.

Option 2: 25€

Come and taste a coffee (or tea) per week for one month.

Option 3: 50€

Same as option 2 but with a friend: double coffee (or tea) per week for one month. 

For a donation of 100€ and above, your initials will be burned on one of the wood decorations in the café (wall or furniture - we have yet to find the right spot). 

Option 4: 100€

Your first 3 coffees/teas are offered.  Then, for 3 months, your (bought) drink will be upgraded with special addition (home made cookie?) or with a coffee or tea for a friend.  Your initials will be burned somewhere in the café as a sign of our recognition for your generous partnership.


Option 5: 200€

Your coffee/tea is offered once a week for three months and we offer you one bag of Chorti coffee from Guatemala fair trade. 

Your initials will be burned somewhere in the café as a sign of our recognition for your generous partnership.

Option 6: 500€

Your coffee/tea is offered each opening day for three months and we offer you two bags of Chorti coffee from Guatemala fair trade. You will also have the chance to invite up to 7 friends to share coffee/tea and pancakes. 

Your initials will be burned somewhere in the café as a sign of our recognition for your generous partnership.

Place Albert 1er, 6 - 6041 Gosselies

TVA: BE0 650 629 478

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